Life goes on. Even when life gets twisted and distorted and contorted, life goes on. Even when truth tellers cease and falsehood abounds, life goes on! When wrong seems right, and Christ is made to be a superstar or a real moron, life goes on.Faith goes on, in its out of world experience.
Yeah you have seen the past posts in mugz-n-buzz. Today, we no longer have servants as our leaders, we have CEOs. Today, we no longer call for a counter-culture, we immerse ourselves right in what is offered today and make no difference. Today, because of our lust for wealth and health, we buy into anything a preacher says, as long as we stand to benefit.
We desist a gospel that calls us to be humiliated, to suffer or to sacrifice. Christ has been made mute, ineffective and ridiculous, because we Christians have not fought for the real Gospel with our lives. I urge you to CONTEND FOR OUR FAITH!
Will you voice the wrongs you see? Many are being led astray. The Bible is no longer our final authority, but what man says seems to count more. You may have your story to tell where the truth has been violated, ... this is your forum!
Enough! Who is going to stand up and stand out? Who will speak out? Or are we as usual going to cower and fit in?
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Contend For The Faith!
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11:01 pm
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Sometimes I wonder how to question those things mention in the past few posts. They always appear to be fine and irrefutable(at times). People may not see it as a problem and our questions to them very often are seen as a threat to the group. I don't know how to explain this but sometimes I really feel 'alienated' and wondering am I having too little faith or are they having great faith. I want to stand up and stand out to say something but.. I have to admit that.. I am fearful.
You get what I mean?
Hero Seekers.
Yeah, my generation has turned from faith in God and His Word to faith in men. We seem to be running after mere men (our pastors, our leaders, or someone out there who offers us a new ideal). They appeal to us (not that they are bad. Most are quite good!). But they appeal to us, because we lust for heroes. We are still trying to find that human who will not let us down.
Haven't you seen? Our house of cards coming tumbling down again and again. Yes God send us men to encourage us on the journey. But, when will my generation turn back to God alone and stick to what the Scriptures say instead of never even knowing what Scriptures say, and only quoting another "mere" man!
'If you can't beat them, join them', so the saying goes. But what if I I can't beat them nor do I want to join them?! Many times, I just feel myself getting angry and cynical. A bit like Jonah, sitting there sulking and wish that the Lord will just punish those in the 'City'. It's not right but... after you're bruised and disillusioned, you either wish to die or just continueswimming against the tide with the waters blinding your eyes, leaving you directionless.
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