Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I am Malaysian. Born, bred, kindergarten, school, university. All – in Malaysia.
But does that really make me a Malaysian?

I am Malaysian. I love to eat all the kinds of food that we have here. Satay, Char kuey teow, Nasi Lemak, Banana leaf rice. Food available 24 hours.
But does that really make me a Malaysian?

I am Malaysian. I love the weather. Not too hot, not too cold. The sun is bear-able, the rain can be tolerated.
But does that really make me a Malaysian?

I am Malaysian. The variety of people. Malay, Chinese, Indian, Sikh, Kadazan, Iban, Dayak, Asli, etc.
But does that really make me a Malaysian?

I am Malaysian. I don’t plan to migrate overseas. Malaysia is my home.
But does that really make me a Malaysian?

I am Malaysian. Despite the arguments people have, I have freedom of worship. I get to go to church regularly and meet up with my Christian friends.
But does that really make me a Malaysian?

I am proud to be Malaysian, even though the political situation doesn’t seem to be going well, racial issues are on the rise, and not forgetting the inflation rates.

But what really makes me a Malaysian? Is it because ‘I’ enjoy life here and am comfortable? Or is it because God has placed me in this country Malaysia for a reason – so His Gospel will be known throughout the world including Malaysia, even though the situation is tough?

We just celebrated Hari Malaysia on Sept 16th. We celebrated 45 years of the formation of MALAYSIA. I am Malaysian!

So my friends, what about you? What makes you a Malaysian?


Anonymous said...

Honestly, I used to be all patriotic about being a Malaysian. However, those were the days when I was still young and naive. But when I grow up, I learn that the world is out there is really not a bunch of candy floss sugary type. I become quite disappointed with the ugly 'behind-the-scenes'. While it makes me disgusted, I am also constantly reminded that this 'failed' system I witness here only shows how much we human fall short of the glory of God. How ugly, defeated and sinful we are. It shows me over and over again how perfect Jesus, the perfect Lamb of God is.

cksheng74 said...
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cksheng74 said...

This post should have generated more responses.

To me, if God wanted me to be an American, He would have made me to be born in US. If God wanted me to be an Australian, He would have made me to be born in Australia.

Of course, there are times when, like Abraham in the book of Genesis, God commanded us to be uprooted.

But that does not mean whenever we are faced with inconveniences, we must uproot and migrate. We are called by Him - called to be salt and light in wherever places we are placed in.

If all Malaysian Christians were to migrate when headaches, heartaches and inconveniences come, then who will be there to make a Christian impact in Malaysia?

To be honest, there are times when I questioned myself - what am I doing here? Should I migrate? Should I leave my Malaysian citizenship and go somewhere? Any where! Why am I staying in this small town Kota Bharu when many of my ex-classmates are in so-called greener pastures?

We need to develop a heavenly mentality. Whether we are in US, in Australia, in Singapore, in Malaysia, ultimately our citizenship is in heaven. Our permanent address is in heaven. This world, wherever we are in, is a temporary home for us...

Meanwhile, I am proud to be a Malaysian because God has bestowed me a Malaysian citizenship. He has called me to shine in this place, and so shall I shine faithfully for Him...Because He is my heavenly FATHER...one thing for sure, one day....He will take me home.