Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Walk The Talk

Whether you realized it or not, we’re reaching the half-way mark of the year! 6 months have already passed us by. Perhaps it is good for us to pause for a little while and ponder how the past 6 months have been for us…

If you have journeyed with us on our blog since the beginning of the year, you would remember that we took a look at our identity as Malaysians. Remember the weeks before March 8? Remember the excitement in our political scene? Everyone seemed to be talking about the state of our country and longed to see changes. Now that the excitement has sort of died down, are our eyes still open to what is happening in our country, or are we back to our own little world? Do we still long to engage our society and do our part as Malaysians, or do we think that we’ve already done our part when we cast our votes on that day? Surely there’s more to being a Malaysian than doing that…

We were also challenged to live out our identity as missionaries on campus. Have you committed yourself to being one by putting your signature on the MI Card? How has it been thus far? Is there any progress in reaching out to the International students in our midst, after reading the experiences of one of them on our blog? Have we become more sensitive to their needs?

Perhaps it is also a time for us to pause and reflect on how our relationship with God has progressed in the past 6 months. We remembered Christ’s death and God’s power in raising Him up from the dead during the Easter season. What does all this mean to us? Is it just a theological truth that we were taught and celebrate once a year, or does this fact that God made Christ Lord of all the earth affect the way that we live our lives, the way that we make decisions when we stand at the crossroads of our lives?

We invite you to pause as we reach the end of the first half of the year and think through some of the things that were mentioned on this blog or what God has opened our eyes to in the past 6 months. Perhaps this is the time to pick up again the things that we were determined to do and ask God to help us do them…


Christopher Koh said...

6 months passed by like a blink of an eye.

What do I feel now?


On a more serious note, there have been some dry season - spiritually.
Then again, as I take time to pause and reflect on the past 6 months, it brings a smile on my face to know that HE has never left my side - even when there were times I left Him.

On another note, I ain't a student no more. Er... So can I actually still post a comment here? Haha...

Yours truly,
Orang Tua

Anonymous said...

You're always welcome :)