I saw him. He was trying not to look desperate. I saw her too. She was hiding it well. Addicts in daylight. Undiscovered and unrecognized. No needle marks, no dead-looking eyes. In fact, I couldn't even detect the nervous tremor in their arms.
Who me? Erm, yes! The 21st century addict is not hooked on drugs (some really are). Hooked, yes! But to what? For many of us, our lives are filled with holes. Even knowing Christ, we cannot seem to cover our big gaping holes. Deficiencies mostly from the past ~ a lack of love, a lack of self-worth, a lack of dignity, a lack of ------! There is a hidden stream running deep within many of our lives. Driving us to be perfect, to attain higher, to move from one person to another in relationships, to seek success economically and materially. We need to feed these addictions to survive the inner voices that taunt us. Outwardly we look smart, happy and vibrant. Inwardly we are afraid that nobody loves us, or we are going to be nobodies, and depressed. Are you an addict?
Calling all addicts and ex-addicts. This Addict's Anonymous is for you to tell your story. Give voice to your "addictions" (love, material things, attention, status, etc). Share your pilgrimage of sorrow and maybe too of hope!