Monday, January 01, 2007

Feeling old in the new?

A Happy New Year to you!!!! How did you see the old year out and the new year in? There's just this excitement and anticipation surrounding the ushering in of a new year huh?

Some years, I find myself caught up in the general expectant atmosphere, other years, I find myself saying "same ol, same ol..."

Do we feel old in the new year? Been there, done that......What's different? New Year resolutions? What's that but just another glorified promise to ourselves to do something we haven't been able to do for the whole previous year? What makes us think we can accomplish it THIS year?

For some of us, ‘new’ simply means another semester starting. Anyone started thinking of all the work ahead already? Some have already started semester! And already wallowing in assignments. Is there really anything 'new' in a new year? Or is it just old tired minds and spirits in tired bodies entering a new page of the calendar? Is there hope that there is really something new for us?

Maybe there is hope for some of our problems. We see things clearing up in this year. Some instances of reconciliation? Graduation? Starting work? Starting a new course? Making new friends? Making a new start or new promises?

What if we don’t see how certain problems can be cleared up in this year? Painful and hurting relationships continuing just the same, having struggled to juggle things last year, this year (with the promise of more assignments) may be worse!!

How are you entering this new 2007? With hope, and something to look forward to? Or with a sense of resignation, that things are just gonna be the same, no hope for improvements.

Come, have your say about what entering a new year mean to you. Share with us how YOU are entering 2007. Or maybe you have some tips on how best to enter this new year. We’d like to hear them.


Anonymous said...

"I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart"

I welcome 2007, a continuation of our journey with Him, and a time to be thankful for His walk with us in 2006.

-former student-

han-yu said...

I want to celebrate Jesus in this new year, to be joyful and contented, trusting and obeying Him, allowing Him to have His way in my life.
2007, a significant year! Journeying on

Anonymous said...

I want to venture into this new year with confidence in God, trusting Him in all the things that I do.. and to walk faithfully with Him..


Ph D in Bluffology said...

The new year is as new as I make it to be. Like the Preacher in Ecclesiastes, I can say, there is nothing new under the sun! But, in my heart, I can't lie. I am hoping for something new! I was reading the book of Acts for my QT and I asked the Lord, to give me some Acts experiences. Hehe. But, now I am wondering .... the new year has started with flooding, and a friend contracting leukemia. I wonder what the Lord wants to leave behind this year around!

Anonymous said...

anonymous 1: who's J?

Anonymous said...

I'm just wondering if its possible to live outside of a year-based chronology. I wouldn't then have to chop-shop my life into annual segmentations and the accompanying reviews. Perhaps then, I could become less here-and-now achievement-oriented and allow more leeway for God's Spirit to dictate my pace of life. True, the seasons are made by God, but life often seems too harried as it is. Anyway, I resolve to put on more weight (hey, u gotta start with some achievable goals rite?).


Anonymous said...

Starting a new year? A nagging fear within ... a feeling of not being in touch, not ready for all that's happen just in the first few months! Plodding on. Perhaps I am looking only at the trees, not the forest. I will not be afraid, for You are 'Emmanuel' - God with us. God, You are with me.

akmj said...

yk: i guess the achievement-based life is not due to chopping up life based on time, but it's the influence from the world's ideology... that we should always be achieving more, and more, and more... and as opposed to you, i resolve to lose weight. shall i 'donate' some of my fats to you then? (",)