Towards the end of every semester, without fail, passionate appeals are made, “Who wants to serve? Who can be leader of this ministry or that portfolio?"
Is the word ‘service’ becoming too much of a cliché? It would seem when everyone is talking about serving God or service, it’s inevitably linked to some ‘position’. Even the idea of 'servant leadership' sounds as if God called some of us to be leaders and it’s a progression from servant to leader.
The truth is that God calls ALL of us to be servants. Period. The biblical image is one of servant, not leader. While there is a place for leadership role but the fundamental identity of the believer is that of a servant.
Did you know that the Greek word for servant, ‘doulos’ can also be translated as slaves?
Turing the Power Scale Upside Down!
“I am among you as one who serves.” Luke 22:27
Jesus called them together and said, “You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:42-45
He has set the example. All who claims to follow Him must count the cost and carry this cross to follow Him. It is not about greatness, but servanthood. God calls us first as servants. This radical service to God and to each other is the mark of discipleship and a sign to the world that the Kingdom of God is here, among us…
Mother Teresa once said that we can do no great things, only small things with great love.
“Who wants to serve?” or perhaps more accurately “Who wants to be a servant?” Any takers?
Monday, October 20, 2008
A Servant's Heart
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11:49 am
1 Buzzie(s)
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
To run or not to run...
“When you hit the water, reality will hit you. You're not dead yet, but will you live?”
God was dealing with Jonah, but He was keeping him alive too. Disappointed and running away from God. YET, when times got bad, God still heard him.
Then there’s the people of
As Christians, there is a danger for us to think: "Oh, I'm past that already. I'm already saved." If you've notice how hard Jonah struggled, you might already realise that your struggling has just begun. God is not content to leave you as you are. Jonah is a story of a passive man facing a very active God. A God who is telling you to look beyond your own salvation.
“I'm glad you're saved, Jonah, what about this great city? My heart is bigger than yours, and I want you to care more than just a plant. As my messenger, I will look out for you.
But before you teach others, I will teach YOU. The lessons that you bring to others, must pierce your heart first. Every day, you and I will check if you are going the right direction, and I CARE enough to stop you when you choose to go the opposite direction.
You will see moments of grace, when you stop running and come to your senses. I will show you how it's done - how to care for people who are different than you, hateful to you, even. You will find moments when you will feel very strongly about something, and you may be WRONG about feeling it.
You will have moments when the sacrifice seems too much, and I will show you how shallow your heart is, to care so much for things that are so small, so temporary, when there are bigger things, things that matter more in eternity - and these are worth Me working with You to reach out to.
As I make you fit to be My messenger, your lessons will help you see My heart. In my relationship with you, I want to bring you to other people whom I also care for. And when you deal with them, I want you to turn to Me.”
Jonah had his call and a message to bear. And a people to tell it to.
We invite you to help each other recall.
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11:29 am