Saturday, February 16, 2008

MI Challenge

The MI. CARD is a small, name-card sized card that basically helps a student commit to one thing: being a missionary on the campus. Carry it in your wallet, next to your IC... one tells you "I'm Malaysian", another says "I'm Missionary". It is a pledge, a commitment. Take care and give thought then, when you make the choice to put your signature on the card...but imagine the impact if every CF member lived to serve and to reach those in their social circles on campus! Together with strategies or plans in CF, the card helps us say "Hey...know what I am? A missionary." and to live and act with that consciousness. Available from your staffworker now.

Something Fishy is a training on friendship evangelism. Evangelism that's not hit and run, that's not the crouching-tiger-hidden-dragon kind of waiting to pounce on unsuspecting victims. It's evangelism with soul, built into the lives we share with our friends on campus. Wanting them to know Christ, yet letting them make sense of Him through their own stories, their own experiences. And along the way, we learn a bit more about ourselves and our own journey in the faith. Interested? Every region has got one planned (check them out under the regional calendars on our FES site), so pencil those dates down...on second thought, write them in bold marker, and make sure you don't miss it!

* Are you itching to be reaching, are you raring to get going? Ask your staffworker for more about the above.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Snapshots of Life

“Fold your hands, bow your head, close your eyes and we’ll pray”. That was the way I was being taught to pray from the time my little 5 years old feet first stepped into Sunday school. There’s nothing wrong with praying with your eyes closed. But through the years, I felt something is missing in my prayer life – my spiritual life. Somehow I was being conditioned to think that spirituality is always formed in the closet of solitude with my eyes tide shut away from the distractions of the world. So I grew up unknowingly crippled in the art of seeing – contemplative seeing. My serendipitous discovery of photography has ‘opened my eyes’. God is everywhere, in everything, among everyone. We don’t need fancy digital cameras to take snapshots of life or to help us practice contemplative seeing. We just need to paused (Selah). In his book The Contemplative Pastor, author Eugene Peterson wrote in the closing of Chapter 7 “… and we find ourselves in the solid biblical companionship of psalmist and prophets who watched the “hills skipped like lambs” and heard the “trees clapped their hands,” alert to God everywhere, in everything, praising, praying with our eyes wide open…”