Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Jubilee. Yipee, We Are 50!

The term ‘Jubilee’ means celebration or rejoicing! And this is exactly what we Malaysians are commemorating as we rejoice over our 50th year of independence. Many moving recollections, documentaries, striking stickers and apt taglines (“Satu Warisan, Satu Matlamat” or “One legacy, One Destiny”) tug at our hearts and call us to celebrate and build up our nation.

In Leviticus 25:10, the 3rd book of the Bible, the Jubilee year was a call to “consecrate the 50th year and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants.” My heart feels the prick of conviction amidst these celebrations. Have Malaysian Christians really been a part of this nation, caring for its welfare and proclaiming liberty to all?

Missing voices! Christian voices are missing in building our nation. One Legacy? Christians are no different and are caught in their prejudices against the races too. Imprisoned! Yes, we lock ourselves in our own comfort zones. One Destiny? Huh? ‘Christians are only concerned about heaven and that we are of no earthly good’ or so say our harshest critics.

I think we have failed. “Tanah tumpahnya darahku”, is just a song! Who cares? Do you?

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Reflections on the hermit crab

Hermit crabs are small, cute & interesting pets. They salvage empty seashells to protect their soft abdomens from harm. They move about carrying their shell. When you go near a hermit crab, be sure not to make so much movement, they will curl and hide inside the shell because they are afraid.

Don’t worry; I’m not here to promote hermit crabs :)

Sometimes, our lives are like a hermit crab. We hide in the shell, not just to protect our own self, but hide our true self from people around us. The environment around us doesn’t allow us to be who we are. We can’t live up to the expectations and we can’t trust what’s outside. We are bound to be vulnerable if we reveal our true self.

Do you feel that you are like a hermit crab – sometimes afraid to come out, sometimes not wanting to come out?

Do you also feel that sometimes you could be the one not giving people the space to make mistakes and be who they really are.

Do feel free to share.