Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Aiyoh! So easy to spot one the noobs! Newbies! Babies! Whatever name they go by. They come into campus, they look scared. Haha. They dress like kinda of formal. They look fresh and with big eyes, and always believe the seniors. They look like kinda of out, overdressed and oh so young and fresh.

See them a few months later. They have changed. They have blended in. They even tell jokes and play pranks on the seniors. Wah! Easy to spot the changes in them. Just give them 3 months.

What about you and I? Can you spot the changes? We too, while having looked 'old' for a while now, have been changing. Can you spot yours? Tell your story, and we promise not to report it to the Malay Mail!!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Rev It Up

Vrrooommmm……vrroommm……its time to pick up the speed.

Huh? Pick up speed? Your soul must catch up with your body lah.

I can already see your body in campus. Where’s your soul?

Where are you now? Ya ya I know you gonna say “in campus lah”.

Holidays are a thing of history. Last sem is lagi deeper in history. But it is this semester that matters. How will this semester be any different from any other semesters?

YOU decide, and YOU tell us how….